General Questions ​
What is the global problem?
Today, there are still 1.2 billion people living without access to electricity. This fundamental lack not only affects everyday activities such as cooking or education, but also has far more deep seeded implication, affecting safety and directly dampening the prospect of future development. Carrying itself through all generations, it feeds into the vicious cycle of poverty - called energy poverty -, one that can be broken with light.
What is energy poverty?
There is a significant connection between per capita electricity consumption and human development. People that do not have access to electricity suffer from a reduced livelihood and thus, hampered personal growth. If you do not have access to electricity you do not have access to life. If you do not have access to electricity you live in the dark and children do not have the possibility to educate themselves, you do not have the possibility to have light in the house, charge your phone, no access to a refrigerator and also cool yours daily medicine. Additionally, suffering from energy poverty reduces the chances of affected people to be independent from external monetary means in the future. The inability of having choices and opportunities is a violation of human dignity. Energy poverty is a huge problem in the world and we need to change that!
PowerOneforOne Foundation
Why do you only pre-finance the Small Solar Home Systems instead of giving them away for free?
By supporting families in remote communities with a solar home system, we enable access to a source of reliable and clean energy, while simultaneously amplifying green growth and bettering people's livelihoods. Thereby, our investment is the first step to creating a self-sustaining economy. This serves as a fundament for our bottom-up approach to fight energy poverty.
What are the advantages of SSHS?
SSHSs can be installed and operated anywhere and do not require a grid connection.
SSHSs reduce dependency on fossil energy production.
The electricity produced can be used for private or business purposes. Different SSHS systems can be used for different purposes, usually ranging from providing energy for a phone charger or lamps to a tv or refrigerator.
Usage of generated electricity by paying a leasing fee via their mobile service provider.
After a certain time, the system is paid off and the ownership is transferred to the lessee.
Systems are already operated successfully by various companies.
What are the costs for one SSHS?
The costs that occur per SSHS depend on several factors. Depending on the region of our projects, we cooperate with different providers of SSHSs. In general, the costs depend on the chosen producer of SSHSs, the chosen system that will be provided and logistics like delivery and installation. We aim to act economically and keep these costs as small as possible, while generating the highest impact possible.
What else do you do besides giving away the SSHSs?
Our vision is to break the vicious cycle of energy poverty to offer affected people the chance for a better life. Since the sole distribution of energy devices does not help sustaining the community in the long run due to depreciation and lack of maintenance, we want to take it a step further: From the day the POFO Foundation turns on the lights, we simultaneously want to implement an empowerment program. Within this program, energy shops will be built and community members will receive training on the technology of the SSHSs, their maintenance, sales and marketing. In this way, they will be able to generate their own sustainable income through selling and maintaining the solar home systems to the rest of the community.
Who decides which communities and countries are selected to the program?
Decisions will be made with accordance to our partners and their experiences in certain regions in the world. In general, we select rural areas where energy poverty is highly present, and the provision of electricity would have a significant impact. Therefore, our first projects will be implemented in communities in Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Pakistan.
How can I contribute to PowerOneforOne? How can I donate?
As the first step to contribute to the cause of PowerOneforOne, you can use the online donation function (LINK). At the moment, you can donate to our foundation via bank transfer and via paypal, but we will provide further options in near future.
What happens with my donations?
Your donations will be used to additionally support the PowerOneforOne Foundation, which aims to provide electricity to communities in less developed countries. All donations below 100.00 euros will be used where needed. Donations above 100.00 euros can be allocated to a specific project, if wished. In general, you can receive a contribution receipt to receive tax reductions for your donation.
How can I become an ambassador for the PowerOneforOne idea?
You can propose your own fundraising project or sponsor an existing project and then raise money on your own. We will be happy to assist you. If the donations are paid directly into the account of the PowerOneforOne Foundation, the person making the donation will receive a donation receipt and can deduct the donation from tax. This is particularly suitable for celebrations such as birthdays, weddings or class or school projects.
If you want to become an ambassador against energy poverty and support PowerOneforOne Foundation please contact us under: JV@poweroneforone.org
Can I get a receipt for my donations? Are donations tax-deductible?
In general, you can receive a contribution receipt to receive tax reductions for your donation. Please fill in the form on our donation side.