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Technical Training Institute Lahore, Pakistan


With a population of 180 million people and rising, Pakistan is expected to become the fifth most populous country in the world.  Currently, 40% of the population, or 65 million people, do not have access to electricity and rely solely on dung, wood, kerosene, diesel generators or flashlights to meet their energy needs. Energy poverty has a variety of negative consequences that indirectly and directly impact the health, education, financial security, and safety of families living without electricity.

Our partner

The Clean Power Purchasing Development Project Pakistan is a joint project of aream and Poweroneforone. The development partnership with these two companies is part of the program, which is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).



The project

The project aims to promote, facilitate and transfer knowledge on technical design, operation and maintenance of solar power projects in the private sector of Pakistan. It is expected that the project will pave the way for the systematic opening of the solar energy industry in Pakistan.



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You may be surprised at the charming imperfection of our website. But behind this choice is our philosophy, which sets us from other organizations: We deliberately focus on do-it-yourself, putting every dollar where it's needed most.
Instead of a flawless website, we prefer to invest our resources in projects such as a solar system that we donated to the Living Center: Ida Rieu School of the death and blind in Numaish Karachi.

PowerOneForOne Foundation gGmbH

​ Kaistraße 2,  40221 Düsseldorf /  Germany

Managing Director: Janine Voigt

Phone: 0211/30206040


entered in the commercial register of the local court in Düsseldorf under HRB 83854


© 2020 by PowerOneForOne Foundation gGmbH

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