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Christmas gifts for Pakistani women

Give a Pakistani woman a Christmas gift by donating to the PowerOneforOne Foundation and we will help change her life.

After a turbulent year that has been challenging for all, we are again pleased to have worked with Eco-Energy to identify new aid projects that are making a big difference but get little attention in the world of the big charities and therefore have little access to donations.

By providing one of the most basic and important things we take for granted - electricity and work - we will be able to improve the lives of many Pakistani women.

The non-profit Ida Rieu School is an institution for blind and deaf women in Karachi. It gives these women the opportunity to learn handicraft skills and acquire new work skills. This gives them the chance to earn their own money and lead an independent life. The school provides vocational training and all the equipment they need to learn and work for about 25 female students.

By using solar energy, the school will save up to 80% of its electricity costs, so much of the money can be used to provide vocational training for more disabled women. A safe place like the independent Ida Rieu School for blind and deaf women is something that really makes a difference in a patriarchal society like Pakistan. In Pakistan, the unemployment rate for women is among the highest in the world and disabled people hardly get the chance to learn a trade and work.

With your donation you can make a big difference!

You give disabled women a chance to earn their own money and get vocational training and recognition!

For the next year we have planned to give even more women access to training and work by providing electricity, so that more centres for many women with and without disabilities can benefit from your donation.

Paypal me: power141

IBAN: DE35 3705 0198 1934 3705 84 Sparkasse KölnBonn BIC: COLSDE33

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